Workplace Wizards


Workplace Wizards - Updated Terms and Conditions

We’re proud to have helped our clients solve complex issues, prepare for growth and deal with the immense challenges we’ve faced so far in 2020.

Along with a few administrative changes here at Workplace Wizards come some changes to rates and invoicing conditions which are reflected in our updated terms and conditions outlined below.


Our goal since inception has been to continually improve the quality of our advice and strategic support. This means hiring the most talented people we can find to produce the best possible work. Our clients reap the benefits of improved quality, so we consider this a mutually beneficial decision. A minor fee increase, commensurate with our increased quality, is the result.

Thus, consistent with our increased knowledge and skill with our advice and support for your business, our new hourly rates for FY 2020/21 will be:

Consultants – $295 (plus GST) per hour; and

Principal Consultant  – $345 (plus GST) per hour.


2. Updated Invoicing

The increase in our pricing for FY2020/21 will be coupled with a reduction in our payment terms from 30 days to 7 days. We hope this move will result in smoother alignment with your payment cycles. 


3. Pre-payment

One common thread of feedback we receive from clients concerning our invoicing procedures is the pain point of processing multiple smaller invoices and the desire to have de-identified invoices so internal staff (e.g. accounts payable) don’t see the sensitive or confidential projects we are assisting you with.

In response to this feedback we have developed a new system for our highly valued smaller clients to cut down on the admin time (for both you and us) and ensure you can still access our high-quality advice in an on-demand fashion. You can choose to take up our new invoicing / engagement process, should you wish, whereby we:

a) charge our initial 10 hours’ consulting assistance upfront, which your organisation can then draw on throughout the financial year; and

b) will run a file and monitor your hours. Once you use 80% of the hours purchased (8 hours) we will email you and let you know, and you can choose to purchase additional consulting hours or not.

In the event you have not used your full ten hours by the end of next financial year, these will of course rollover until you need to use them, and you will be exempt from any hourly rate increases in the future, should they occur.


Please review our updated terms and then fill in your details below (using the email address we have on file for you).

If you do not accept these terms within 7 working days, one of our Wizards will be in contact with you via phone to answer any questions you may have.